Monthly Vitality Weeks with Laura
Once a month I will be launching an online, week long Vitality week. These monthly Vitality weeks include a 7 day online Pilates and Vitality boosting programme, including Pilates workouts, relaxation scripts, and a healthy eating, energising and vitality plan, gearing you towards making healthier choices. Every month has a new seasonal theme along with new routines and relaxation scripts to develop your Pilates, mind and body even further each month.
The first group begins on Monday 9th September 2013.
The shop opens on Friday 6th of September 2013 for you to sign up to the Vitality week, be given access to the private Facebook group and get all your information to get you started on Monday. I am really excited about this first group and cant wait for you all to sign up!
£27 for 7 day online Vitality Week - pay online in the shop - shop opens Friday 6th September 2013
Please contact me for further details and any questions you may have?
Healthy wishes.