About Laura:
As a personal trainer, instructor and creative confidence coach my aims are to use my skills, passion and extensive subject knowledge to help you achieve your goals, whether they are by individual/group training sessions or workshops. I believe that by fusing my passion for fitness and the arts I can help you to use your mind and body to reach your goals, maintain them and set and achieve new goals as you grow in confidence.
I will provide you with a toolkit of techniques and skills which promote confidence and healthy living, to use not only during training sessions/workshops but also to take away to use in your day to day life. I truly believe it is possible for people to achieve their goals, and I believe that I can help you to make these changes with my positive and enthusiastic attitude, by being tuned in to individuals’ needs and by working with the whole person, body and mind. My work aims to help you achieve your goals and allows me to work in an area that I am incredibly passionate about and believe can help change people’s outlook on life.
My training sessions/workshops will provide you with a programme that has regular progression and variety to help you move towards your goals, including how to:
Lose body fat
Lose inches
Improve muscle tone
Increase strength
Improve flexibility
Reduce stress and enhance overall wellbeing
Rehabilitate an injury
Train for a specific event or discipline
Relax and learn to take time for yourself
Improve confidence
Set realistic goals
Energise your body and mind
Make positive and beneficial nutrition choices
Improve eating habits
Improve behavioural patterns
Manage and improve certain medical conditions through
exercise, nutrition and mind focusing techniques -
Have sounder sleep patterns
Improve self esteem
Inspire yourself and others
Feel great
My Experience:
16 years in the Fitness and Health Industry
Taught classes in: Pilates, Yoga, Yoga and Pilates Mix, Circuits, Body Blitz Circuits, Spinning, Aerobics, Step, Conditioning.
Taught workshops in: Nutrition, Confident Self Image, Confidence boosting relaxation techniques
Delivering bespoke workshops for Schools and Businesses
Working in a University Sports Centre
Working with diverse range of people of all ages and gender
Lectured in Performing Arts and Drama at University of Cumbria
Lectured in Health and Social Care for age 16-19
Setting up my own business
Race for Life warm up artist at Lancaster University
My Qualifications:
Personal Trainer & Advanced Instructor
Nutrition & Weight Management
Nutrition for Sport & Exercise
GP & Exercise Referral
The Psychology of Behaviour Change
Theory of Anatomy & Physiology
Gym Instructor
Circuit Training Instructor
Torso Training & Core Stability Instructor
Mat Pilates Fundamentals Instructor
Mat Pilates Improver Level
Mat Pilates Advanced Level
Exercise to Music Instructor
Step Instructor
Choreography & Conditioning
Physical Yoga 1 & 2
Fitness Pilates
Spinning Instructor
Technogym Kinesis and Kit Introduction
Powerplate Fundamentals Level One
UKA Leader in Running Fitness
Level 3 Complete Mat Pilates Diploma
B.A Hons in Drama
MA in Contemporary Arts Practice
KS Extreme Instructor
Pre and Post Natal Instructor
Mindfulness Instructor
Level 4 Exercise Referral Specialist in Mental Health
Advanced Fitness Pilates in Pregnancy
Life Coach
Qualifications in progress:
Qualifications on going from “The School of Natural Health Sciences”