This week...
THIS don't want to miss out!!! Saturday 8th JULY The Pilates and Confidence Boosting Practical Workshop - 10-11.30am - at Lancaster Methodist Church
A 45 minute class followed by a 45 minute workshop looking at Pilates technique, come along to improve your Pilates practice - £14
**NEW**KS YOGA & FITNESS PILATES DVD and online DVD Facebook Group NOW RELEASED!!!!!!!
Click the link below to buy your copy!!shop/cts6 Also don'f forget these July holidays... Monday's - Fitness Pilates at Lancaster Methodist Church - 7.30pm-8.30pm - £5.50 - NO CLASS MONDAY 17th JULY - MY HOLIDAY. Wednesday's - Yoga and Fitness Pilates Mix at Harpers Mill - Unit 8-4-3, First Floor (the building next to the adult college, White Cross, Lancaster) 6.15-7pm - £5.50 - NO CLASS WEDNESDAY 19th JULY - MY HOLIDAY.